LimeRa1n Jailbreak iPhone OS 4.0, 3.1.3, iPad 3.2

GeoHot’s LimeRa1n to Jailbreak iPhone OS 4.0, 3.1.3, iPad 3.2?

From a tweet by iH8Sn0w it’s clear that the father of iPhone unlock GeoHot (George Hotz) owns a website named GeoHot himself has not said anything about the new domain but looking at the whois listing, the domain (LimeRa1n) is owned by George Hotz.

Screenshot of Whois record for both and after the jump…

limera1n jailbreakblackra1n jailbreak

limera1n jailbreakThe record confirms that both sites are owned by GeoHot. So, most probably LimeRa1n is the next jailbreak tool from the house of GeoHot to jailbreak iPhone OS 4.0, 3.1.3 and/or iPad 3.2. If we look at the past, GeoHot has demonstrated iPhone OS 4.0 jailbreak and iPad 3.2 jailbreak with BlackRa1n but there is no word about iPhone OS 3.1.3 jailbreak.  In my opinion, LimeRa1n would be the jailbreak for iPad 3.2 and Blackra1n will cover the iPhone and iPod Touch lineup. There’s no official word from GeoHot on this development.

What do you think of LimeRa1n, a Universal jailbreak? or an iPhone OS 4.0 + 3.1.3  jailbreak? or an iPad 3.2 jailbreak? and would it be a untethered jailbreak?


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via iH8Sn0w

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