Download iPhone OS 3.1.3 Firmware | iPhone Firmware 3.1.3

Download iPhone OS 3.1.3 Firmware

Apple has unexpectedly released the new iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware for iPhone and iPod Touch devices. You can read the new features in iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware here.

Warning: Avoid iPhone firmware 3.1.3 if you have jailbroken or unlocked you iPhone/iPod Touch on OS 3.1.2 or earlier versions. Updating may result in loosing the jailbreak or unlock capability of your device (may be for ever). All the jailbreakers/unlockers are suggested to wait for the new jailbreak and unlock tools like RedSn0w, BlackRa1n, PwnageTool to come out.

iPhone Firmware 3.1.3 is not the same as that of iPad, the Apple’s tablet device. If you do NOT care about your iPhone jailbreak or unlock and want to got for iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware right away, you got two ways to do that:

    1. Connect your iPhone to your computer via usb and open the iTunes. A message will appear asking you to update to iPhone OS 3.1.3. Simply click the Download and Install button to download iPhone firmware 3.1.3.

  1. Manually Download iPhone OS 3.1.3and Restore it via iTunes by holding SHIFT key and clicking restore button.


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