After months of rumors, leaks mockups and speculations, Apple has finally announced its 8th generation 4.7-inch iPhone 6 during its special media event today at Flint Center, California. 4.7-inch iPhone 6 comes with a higher-resolution screen, improved cameras, new sensors, a NFC chip for mobile payments and more.
iPhone 6 looks exactly like what we have seen is the leaks over past few months. It also has a camera ring that was not very much welcomes when a rumor suggested so.
4.7-inch iPhone 6 has a resolution of 1334 x 750 pixels covered with “Ion strengthened” glass. Apple is calling the new display on iPhone 6 “Retina HD”. Compared to an iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 has 35% more pixels and it also provides broader angle of view on the larger screen iPhone.
Despite having a larger screen and bigger size, iPhone 6 is still 6.8mm thinner than the iPhone 5s which measure at 7.6mm in thickness. iPhone 6 comes with all new rounded edges./
To make the iPhone 6 more user friendly in one hand use, Apple has announced a feature dubbed as “Reachability mode” that makes it easy to access buttons at the top of the screen. Reachability mode slides down the entire screen and it can be activated just by double tapping the home button.
We’ve lot more on iPhone 6 and today’s announcement from Apple. Stay Tuned!