Sharp will begin shipping iPhone 5 Displays to Apple this month. Sharp’s new president Takashi Okuda today confirmed to Reuters that they will begin shipping diplays to Apple for their next generation iPhone 5…
Best way to lighten the blow from a massive $1.2 billion operating loss is to uncover new deals with Apple, world’s most valuable company. This is what Sharp’s president did. It is first time that a major Apple supplier has talked about an unreleased product. Still Sharp’s president didn’t leak any specific details.
Shipments will start in August,” Sharp’s new president, Takashi Okuda, said at a press briefing in Tokyo on Thursday after the company released its latest quarterly earnings.
LG Display and Japan Display are also rumoured to be supplying iPhone 5 display panels, which are expected to be 4-inches diagonally, 30% bigger than the current iPhone display.
Japan’s Sharp Corp. said it will start shipping screens destined for a new Apple iPhone that is widely expected to be released in October ahead of the pre-Christmas shopping season.
Apple is expected to unveil iPhone 5 during a media event on September 12th, where a rumored iPad Mini and a new iPod Nano will also be unveiled.