Apple is reportedly planning on introducing 3rd smartphone to its iPhone 6siPhone 6s lineup this year. According to a new report citing sources inside Foxconn, Apple is working on a 5-inch iPhone 6s with full HD display which will be ideal for those who find the current iPhone 6 too small and the iPhone 6 Plus too large for their hand.
The rumored 5-inch iPhone 6s model is expected to look exactly like the current iPhone 6 model with a larger display. Below is the sketch published by G for Games depicted the new 5-inch iPhone 6s.
The report also claims the 5-inch iPhone 6s to feature an 8MP camera sensor, dual LED flash, Apple’s A9 chip, and full HD 5-inch display. While the bigger screen size with sharper display and faster processor makes this 5-inch iPhone 6s a great upgrade from iPhone 6, but the camera sensor is same as that of an iPhoen 6 and if the report is true, the 5-inch model won’t be getting a 12MP camera sensor from Sony as rumored for the upcoming iPhone 6s and the 6s Plus.
Releasing iPhone 6s in three different sizes including a 5-inch model, but not offering same camera sensor for this new 5-inch addition to the lineup would confuse Apple customer, especially when all other specs are shared between all three devices. So we suggest you to take such reports with a pinch of salt.
Apple is expected to launch next-generation iPhone models with Force Touch display, A9 processor, 2Gb of RAM, faster LTE modem, and more. A successor of iPhone 5c, dubbed as iPhone 6c, with 4-inch display and specs similar to that of an iPhone 5s, is also expected to join the big stage of the rumored September 7 media event. A recent report claims that all these new devices will go on sale on September 18.