Apple has released iOS 8 beta 3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to the developers. The 3rd beta of Apple’s upcoming major software update: iOS 8 comes three weeks after the availability of beta 2. iOS 8 beta 3 has a build number 12a4318c, and can be downloaded from the iOS Dev Center if you’re a registered developer and have a compatible iOS device. Hit the jump to learn more about iOS 8 beta 3 and the links to download it from iOS Dev Center with a registered account.
The second beta brought number of UI tweaks and changes in Camera, iBooks, Messages and other apps. It also added a new iCloud Photos splash page, and some new options to Notifications, Privacy, and Settings.
Here’s what’s new in iOS 8 beta 3:
- New Handoff toggle in Settings app
- Access to iCloud Drive
- New wallpapers for iPhone and iPad
- New UI for clearing notifications
- Camera App now shows how many days until a photo is deleted
- Handoff toggle in Settings app
- iCloud Drive setup screen
- new UI for clearing notifications
- New wallpaper
iOS 8 beta 3 is compatible with the following iOS devices:
- iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S
- iPad Air, Retina iPad mini, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPad 3, iPad 2
- iPod Touch 5G
iOS 8 was unveiled during WWDC 2014 keynote. it includes number of new changes and improvements including interactive notifications, widgets, support for third-party keyboards and lots more. Here’s our iOS 8 features.
If your device is already running iOS 8 beta, you can install iOS 8 beta 3 as an OTA update from under Settings > General > Software Update, or you can download iOS beta 3 full sized firmware file from these direct download links (which require a registered iOS developer account to begin the download):
- iPad Air (Model A1474)
- iPad Air (Model A1475)
- iPad Air (Model A1476)
- iPad mini (Model A1489)
- iPad mini (Model A1490)
- iPad mini (Model A1491)
- iPad (4th generation Model A1458)
- iPad (4th generation Model A1459)
- iPad (4th generation Model A1460)
- iPad mini (Model A1432)
- iPad mini (Model A1454)
- iPad mini (Model A1455)
- iPad Wi-Fi (3rd generation)
- iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for ATT)
- iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for Verizon)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA)
- iPhone 5s (Model A1453, A1533)
- iPhone 5s (Model A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530)
- iPhone 5c (Model A1456, A1532)
- iPhone 5c (Model A1507, A1516, A1526, A1529)
- iPhone 5 (Model A1428)
- iPhone 5 (Model A1429)
- iPhone 4s
- iPod touch (5th generation)