Seas0nPass - iPhoneHeat

Seas0nPass Updated to Untethered Jailbreak Apple TV 5.3 Software

Seas0nPass, the Apple TV jailbreak tool has been updated to untethered jailbreak the Apple TV 5.3 software – which is essentially equivalent of iOS 6.1.4. Before this, the tool was able to tether jailbreak the 5.3 firmware but this updated Seas0nPass can jailbreak Apple TV 2 on iOS 5.3 firmware untethered. An untethered jailbreak means […]

Jailbreak Apple TV 2G iOS 4.2.1 with Seas0nPass [Custom Firmware]

Seas0nPass is a new open source jailbreak tool for Apple TV 2G that jailbreaks ATV 2G by creating a custom firmware just like PwnageTool. In this guide you’ll learn how to jailbreak Apple TV 2G iOS 4.2.1 with Seas0nPass jailbreak. Follow the detailed step-by-step guide below to create a custom iOS 4.2.1 firmware.