Seas0nPass Updated to Untethered Jailbreak Apple TV 5.3 Software - iPhoneHeat

Seas0nPass Updated to Untethered Jailbreak Apple TV 5.3 Software

Seas0nPass, the Apple TV jailbreak tool has been updated to untethered jailbreak the Apple TV 5.3 software – which is essentially equivalent of iOS 6.1.4. Before this, the tool was able to tether jailbreak the 5.3 firmware but this updated Seas0nPass can jailbreak Apple TV 2 on iOS 5.3 firmware untethered. An untethered jailbreak means hassle-free reboot/restart.

For those not familiar, jailbreaking an Apple TV 2G allows users to install aTV Flash (black), which adds new features to the Apple TV such as web surfing, HTML video sites support, Last.FM access, and much more. FireCore have posted the following details about the 5.3 jailbreak on their blog:

Today we’re excited to announce the release of new versions of aTV Flash (black) and Seas0nPass that allow for an untethered jailbreak of Apple TV 5.3 (ATV2 only). Big thanks goes out to @iH8sn0w, @winocm, and @SquiffyPwn for their help with the new version of Seas0nPass. Additionally, there has been some encouraging progress made on Apple TV 6.0+ thanks to our friends @evad3rs and @nitoTV, and we hope to have more news available soon.

From the blog post, it’s clear that Seas0nPass incorporates exploits used in P0sixspwn, the untethered iOS 6.1.5-6.1.3 jailbreak. FireCore, after collaborating with evad3rs and nitoTV, also seems confident about the jailbreak for the Apple TV 6.0.1 software, which is currently the latest software update available for the Apple TV. However, it remains to be seen if it’ll be possible to jailbreak Apple TV 3, which is yet to receive the jailbreak treatment since its release.

Direct download links and the user guide for seas0nPass can be found at We’ll update you as soon as there’s any update available for Apple TV 6.0+ software, and Apple TV 3 jailbreak.

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