WhatsApp has pushed a new updated for its iOS variant with a new feature that adds the ability for Siri to read out your latest WhatsApp messages on your iPhone running iOS 10.3 or higher software version.
If you have updated your WhatsApp app for iOS to version 2.17.2 you can make Siri read our your latest WhatsApp messages. You can make Siri do so by simply saying anything along the lines of “Hey Siri read my latest WhatsApp messages.” This will lead Siri to read the name of the sender and the message you recently received on your WhatsApp.
Siri will then also ask you if you would like to respond to the message if you would like to. Siri will also ask you if you want to send a response to the message that the virtual assistant just read.
Please note that this Siri reading your WhatsApp messages only works on iPhone running iOS 10.3 or higher and have the latest version of WhatsApp install on their device. With this new update of the application, you can now select nd forward multiple messages at once. The voice call button has also been replaced with a ‘+’ button, when tapped, it shows options for voice and video calling. The user interface of the Group info, Contact info, and the Calls tab has also seen newer icons that make the interface more appealing.
The interface of two-step authentication process and also seen improvements to make it easier. The app also remembers you last used camera sensor; the front or the back. The support for the Persian language has also been added.
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