iPod Touch 5G - 6G - iPhoneHeat

4.7-inch iPhone 6 physical mockup compared to iPod Touch 5G

iPhone 6 mockups have been making round over and over lately, however a new interesting photo set shared by Macitynet, an Italian Apple fan site, that shows the rumored 4.7-inch variant of iPhone 6 next to an iPod Touch 5G. The photos show the similarities between a device that has not yet been revealed and […]


How to Jailbreak iPod Touch 5G iOS 7 – 7.0.4 with Evasi0n7

Evasi0n7, the untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.0.4-iOS 7, is now doubt the biggest surprise of the the year for the jalbreak community.  You can jailbreak iPod Touch 5G on iOS 7.0.4 – iOS 7. In this guide we’ll walk you through the steps to jailbreak your iPod Touch 5G running iOS 7.0 – 7.0.4 with […]

ios 7

Download iOS 7 Wallpapers

Apple seeded iOS 7 GM to the developers soon the after the iPhone 5S/5C event, on Tuesday. Other than 200+ new features, iOS 7 comes with several new static and dynamic wallpapers. You can download iOS 7 wallpapers for your iPhone and iPod Touch after the jump…

Watch iPhone 5 Keynote

Apple has posted video of entire iPhone 5 event held on September 12th in San Francisco.  During the event Apple unveiled iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5G, new iPod Nanos, EarPods, new Lightening connector and more. Hit the jump to watch the iPhone 5 media event…

EarPods with Remote and Mic for iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5G

At yesterday’s iPhone 5 event, Apple introduced all new  headphones for brand new iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5G named EarPods. Apple claims to have developed and redesigned earpods after 100’s of prototypes and tested on 100’s of sound lover people.

Apple Introduces iPod Touch 5G

Yesterday’s Apple event was not just about the iPhone 5, Apple also unveiled the 5th generation iPod Touch during that event. All new iPod nanos with bluetooth and multitouch also unveiled during the keynote.

iPod Touch 5G to Feature A5 Chip and 4-inch Display?

Macotakara, a Japanese blog, reports that Apple is preparing a revamped iPod Touch 5th generation for launch this Fall. The site claims that Apple will be updating iPod Touch 5G with an all new design, in-cell touch display technology rumored to be used in iPhone 5, A5 processor and a taller 4-inch display.

Download iOS Firmwares IPSW – iPhone, iPod Touch

This topic is dedicated to iPhone iOS firmwares. Download iOS firmwares for iPhone and iPod Touch. All iPhone iOS iPSW files (firmwares) are listed below. iPod Touch iOS firmware IPSW are also available. You can download firmware for iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, 2G and iPod Touch 5G, 4G, […]