Cydia - Page 4 of 9 - iPhoneHeat

DreamBoard: Theme your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch [Download]

DreamBoard is a jailbreak app that competes Winterboard and lets you customize your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch by applying various themes. Just like Winterboard, Dreamboard lets you applying different themes, but in advanced way, and reinvents the way your home screens look. You can download DreamBoard from below…

SwitcherSettings: An Alternative to SBSettings [Jailbreak App]

SwitcherSettings is a new jailbreak tweak available in Cydia which aims to offer an alternative to SBSettings. SwitcherSettings adds SBSettings toggles to the application switcher screen which makes it easier to access various settings such as AirPlane Mode, Brightness, Bluetooth and SSH.

PhoneItiPad Turns iPad 3G into an iPhone [Video]

Folks behind FaceIt3GS are now working on a jailbreak tweak ‘PhoneItiPad‘ that will turn your iPad 3G into an iPhone. PhoneItiPad, once installed, will turn your iPad 3G into a fully functional iPhone that will let you make calls, send/receive SMS and FaceTime…

Untrackerd – Prevent iOS From Tracking Your Location [Cydia]

iPhone and iPad on iOS 4.x.x secretly tracks you location (all your moves). Security researchers made new discovery that Apple’s iOS for iPhone, iPad tracks device’s longitude and latitude. That location information is then stored on your computer’s hard drive once it’s synchronized with the device and can later be accessed by anyone with right […]

Cydia 1.1.1 Goes Live – Faster, Slimmer, and more Stable

Saurik finally released Cydia 1.1.1. The new build comes with speed improvement, resume and multiple language support. According to Saurik, Cydia 1.1 is faster, slimmer, and more stable; including an improved search algorithm and “resume where you left off”.

VoiceActivator Allows System-wide Voice Control [Video Demo]

VoiceActivator is a new jailbreak tweak by chpwn that lets you take full control of Voice Control on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. You can launch apps, open URLs, use Activator actions: it’s all here, in one tweak; VoiceActivator. Watch the VoiceActivator video demo after the jump…