Gull1Hack - iPhoneHeat

Untethered Reboot of Jailbroken iPhone 3GS New BootRom (Demo)

They started with Gull1Hack (fake?) which is claimed to jailbreak all iPhones and iPod Touches including iPhone 3GS (new BootRom) and iPod Touch 3G and now they have posted a demo video revealing the device details using F0recast, it shows a jailbroken iPhone 3GS from week 46 (means new BootRom) and then an untethered reboot […]

Gull1Hack: Jailbreak iPhone 3GS New BootRom (Untethered)?

Gull1Hack team claims that they have found an exploit to jailbreak iPhone 3GS with new BootRom. The hackers team also claims that the exploit not only works to jailbreak iPhone 3GS new BootRom but also has the ability to jailbreak all other iPhones and iPod Touches including iPod Touch 3G. “We just found an amazing […]