Reiterating an earlier rumor, DigiTimes reports that Apple has plans to start iPhone 8 production earlier than thus have asked its suppliers to deliver the required components for the device. The report continues to push the rumor that Apple is planning to add iris scanning technology into its next flagship smartphone.
Apple reportedly wants its components suppliers to start delivering the orders before the second half of Q1 of 2017. DigiTimes, based on its industry sources, also claims that Apple wants to introduce wireless charging and iris scanning in the upcoming iPhone. Fast Company, in its latest report, specifically mentioned Lumentum as one firm to supply 3D-sensors for the upcoming iPhone that may raise the device’s price above $1000. These new sensors could be used for depth perception in combination with Apple’s biometric security tech.
Apple has requested its chip and component suppliers start trial production, inspection and prepare inventories for the new iPhone series earlier than usual, said the sources. Deliveries of chips and parts for the new models are expected to kick off in the second half of first-quarter 2017, the sources indicated.
While an earlier than usual production was reported earlier this week, a report from Fast Company claimed that iPhone 8 will likely be launching around the usual September timeframe. An earlier than usual production may also be an effort from Apple’s side to meet greater than usual demand for the upcoming iPhone without sacrificing the overall quality of the product.
Apple is widely rumored to launch a 10th-anniversary special edition variant dubbed as iPhone 8. Since the iPhone 8 is expected to come in a new all-glass design, Apple would want to be extra careful and set stringent inspection guidelines for anything meant to be used to construct the new device.
Aside from an all-new design, the iPhone 8 is also rumored to get 5.8-inches OLED display and will be launched later this year. Additional, wireless charging feature is also on the table for the iPhone 8 and the additional two iPhone variants that will be ‘s’ upgrade of the iPhone 7 and the Plus.
While the wireless charging features for the upcoming iPhone models have been making rounds for quite some time now, but the introduction of iris scanner though has been reported in a few leaks to add credence to it.
For a much-hyped device like an iPhone 8, it makes sense for Apple to enter iPhone 8 into production phase earlier than usual to put itself in a better position to meet the strong demand for the new smartphone.
Via [DigiTimes]