Android Successfully Ported to iPhone 3G [Video]

As reported earlier, Android has successfully been ported to iPhone 2G and developer had promised android on iPhone 3G and 3GS. Finally in a couple of weeks of hard work, Planetbeing has come up with another good news that he has successfully installed Android to iPhone 3G as well.

Android on iPhone 3G in action after the jump…

According to the Planetbeing, Android on iPhone 3G is slightly more rough than Android port to iPhone 2G. On iPhone 3G with Android installed you can browse the web, send SMS, or run any app, as long as it doesn’t require audio support. Android Multitouch is also working on iPhone 3G.

The hacker has promised to release the instructions and required binaries in a couple of days to install Android on iPhone 3G.

Android for iPhone 2G has also been improved by fixing bugs, all the Android-specific extensions, android on boot option, hence more stable and reliable. via [PCWorld]

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Update 1: How to Install Android on iPhone 2G

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