Comex has released the Spirit jailbreak, the untethered jailbreak for iPod Touch 3G, 2G, 1G (3.1.3, 3.1.2) and iPhone 3GS, 3G, 2G (3.1.3, 3.1.2) and iPad 3G and iPad WiFi models. Spirit jailbreaks your iDevices with just a single click and it’s cooler than Blackra1n jailbreak.
In this Guide you’ll learn how to jailbreak iPod Touch 3G 3.1.3 with Spirit jailbreak. To jailbreak iPod touch OS 3.1.3 with Spirit your iPod Touch 3G must be activated (Activated means >> Not stuck at emergency calls or Connect to iTunes screen).
NOTE: Spirit is an untethered jailbreak for all iDevices including newer devices like iPod Touch 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPad. So, unlike blackra1n there’s no need to run Spirit jailbreak when you reboot your device. In simple words, Spirit is a permanent jailbreak unless you restore your firmware.
REMINDER: Make sure to save SHSH blobs for iPod Touch 3G 3.1.3. SHSH blobs are not required to jailbreak iPod Touch 3G but to secure future jailbreak. You can save SHSH blobs using Firmware Umbrella and AutoSHSH (Use any of them.)
Jailbreak iPod Touch 3G OS 3.1.3 with Spirit Jailbreak
Steps to jailbreak iPod Touch 3G untethered with spirit are similar to that of jailbreaking iPad and iPhone. We have already written guides on how to jailbreak iPhone and iPad, so go ahead and follow any of the guides posted here and here to jailbreak iPod Touch 3G untethered (and steps are also same for both Mac and Windows).
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Got an iPad 3G or WiFi? Want to jailbreak? Follow the guide linked below to jailbreak iPad 3.2 with Spirit jailbreak:
- How to jailbreak iPad 3.2 with Spirit
Got an iPhone 3GS, 3G or 2G? want to jailbreak your iPhone? Follow the guide linked below to jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 with Spirit Jailbreak.