iPhone SDK - iPhoneHeat

iPhone SDK 3.2 Final is Available Now!

With the launch of iPad in U.S. today, Apple has also made available the iPhone SDK 3.2 final to the developers. iPhone SDK 3.2 includes Xcode IDE, the iPhone Simulator and an additional tools to help developers in developing application for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

Apple Releases iPhone SDK 3.2 beta 5 for iPad

Apple has released iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 5 for iPad via the Phone Dev Center. This time Apple didn’t follow their bi-weekly revisions habit and released the 5th beta of iPad SDK 3.2 8 days after the previous release.

Apple Pushes iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 4 for iPad

Apple has released the 4th beta of iPhone SDK 3.2 for iPad. iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 4 comes with updated tools for developing iPad apps. Apple is continuing the biweekly revisions since the last SDK update was released 2 weeks ago.