Apple introduced the “notch design” in the iPhone X which was received with mixed views, with some saying that it’s the worst design decision the company has ever made, and other suggested that it is not a big deal.
The size of the notch is also the part of the complaints that takes a big chunk out of the display from the top leaving two small sections to flank it. The company has made the notch this big to incorporate all the technology that handles all the key processes behind the Face ID feature.
Now, in a new report, ETNews claims that could be changing soon. The report details that how serious Apple is about further enhancing the facial recognition technology for biometric security and that the company may end up with different ways of implementing the technology in upcoming devices. The company may end up combining the camera module and facial recognition module, which could result in a much smaller notch.
According to industries, it is heard that Apple is planning to strengthen face sensing function starting from 2019 models. That is why it is planning to increase the number of parts that will be used for iPhones and is looking into a combination of a face recognition module with a camera module.
The report further adds that the iPhone with smaller notch will arrive as soon as 2019. Even then it might be something that Apple is looking further than that because it involves a hardware situation that needs to be addressed. If you’re one of those who is not a fan of the notch, it looks like 2018 is not going to bring you any good news.
It is advised to take this report with a pinch of salt as it is too light on the details. It’s worth mentioning here that the Face ID on iPhone X makes use of not just only one module but also depends on dor projector, infrared camera, and a flood illuminator. The report does not shed light on how Apple is going to combine all these units.