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ios 11.2 beta 5

Apple releases beta 4 of iOS 11.2 to developers

iOS 11.2 beta 4 is now available. Apple has just released the fourth beta of iOS 11.2 software update for developers with compatible iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices. You can download iOS 11.2 beta 4 from Apple Developer Center.

download ios 11.1.2 ipsw

iOS 11.1.1 Download – Fixes AutoCorrect Bug for iPhone and iPad

iOS 11.1.1 download is available Recently, iOS users were hit with an annoying autocorrect bug that changed “I” to “A[?]” and Apple addressed the issue in recent iOS 11.2 beta releases. However, Apple wanted this fixed for the general public as soon as possible. So, the company has released iOS 11.1.1 software update for iPhone, […]

ios 11.2 beta 5

Apple Releases iOS 11.2 beta 2 for iPhone X

iOS 11.2 beta 2 download is exclusively available for iPhone X. Apple has released the second beta of the upcoming iOS 11.2 for iPhone X which was launched on November 3. This is somewhat an unexpected beta release for exclusive to one device given that we just received the first beta a few days ago.

ios 11.2 beta 5

Apple Releases iOS 11.2 Beta 1 to Developers

While iOS 11.1 is still at beta 5 stage, Apple has already released the first beta of iOS 11.2 software update. The iOS 11.2 beta 1 is currently available to all the registered iOS developers and will be available to public beta testers soon.

ios 11.1 beta 5

iOS 11.1 beta 5 Seeded to Developers

Apple has released the fifth beta of iOS 11.1 to the registered iOS developers. The beta 5 comes only after a few days of the availability of iOS 11.1 beta 4 and about a month after the release iOS 11 to the general public.

ios 11.1 beta 5

Apple releases iOS 11.1 beta 3

The third beta of iOS 11.1 software update is now available to developers and Public Beta testers. It was only one week ago when Apple pushed the iOS 11.1 beta 2 which contained numerous new features including hundreds of new emoji characters and the return of 3D Touch App Switching gesture.

ios 11.1 features - what's new

iOS 11.1 Features: What’s New in iOS 11.1

iOS 11.1 features – what’s new and changed: Apple has released the iOS 11.1 to the registered iOS developers. With iOS 11.1 software update, Apple is aiming to bring minor improvements, few small new features, and improvements to the overall experience of the mobile operating system on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

ios 11.1 beta 5

iOS 11.1 Beta 2 Now Available to Developers

Apple has just released iOS 11.1 beta 2 to all the registered Apple developers out there. The first beta of iOS 11.1 was released during the last week of September. The release of iOS 11.1 beta came only after one week of availability of final iOS 11 to the masses. Hit the jump to learn […]