Cydia for iOS 11 Release Date Confirmed - iPhoneHeat

Cydia for iOS 11 Release Date Confirmed

Finally, we have some great news for the jailbreakers out there! The hacker and developer who goes by the name coolstar has announced the release date of the much-awaited Cydia for iOS 11. Another iOS developer, nullpixel, has teased Cydia for iOS 11 running on an iPhone X.

ios 11 jailbreak

Coolstar reveals that the release date for Cydia for iOS 11 is Thursday, February 15. He further adds that “the version of Cydia included in Electra will have the letterboxing black bars on iPhone X; we won’t mess with it much until maybe after release as the Cydia build has been tested and works.”

LiberiOS was the first jailbreak for iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus running a version of iOS 11. Since then, we have been eagerly waiting for the Cydia that brings all the jailbreak tweaks and themes to the jailbroken devices. Cydia is not yet available for iOS 11 due to lack of compatibility. So, we finally have a great news that it will be available within a day.

Since this version of Cydia for iOS 11 will be an unofficial release, the purchases of jailbreak apps and tweaks won’t be enabled. It remains unclear if an updated version of Cydia Substrate for iOS 11 will also be released or not because that would be required for the tweaks and apps to work. The official version of Cydia will only be released by Saurik, the creator of Cydia.

Jay Freeman aka Saurik had promised to release Cydia for iOS 11, however, he has gone quiet for the last few days. So, Kudos to coolstar for pushing an iOS 11 compatible Cydia even before its creator. While it is possible to manually install apps and tweaks on a jailbroken devices, the Cydia store makes it very convenient for most of the jailbreakers.

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