Yesterday, the Pangu team surprised the jailbreak community with the release of a brand new jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1 and iOS 7.1 named ‘Pangu’. Just like any new jailbreak tool, Pangu comes with its share of early issues and one of these issues is an app called PPSync. PPSync, which comes integrated with Pangu, is causing stock apps to crash for many users who have jailbroken their iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with Pangu jailbreak. Solution to get rid of these stock app crashed is to remove PPSync app from your jailbroken device. In this guide you’ll learn how to remove PPSync app after jailbreaking iOS 7.1.1 with Pangu.
As with any new jailbreak tool, one should proceed with caution because no one knows what exactly is bundles with the tool. It’s always a good thing to refrain from jumping the ship of early adopters when an all new jailbreak tools hits the cloud. However, if you’ve been waiting for iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak for so long and found Pangu just a bit too tempting, there’s a way to remove PPSync from your device without much of an effort.
For those who are not aware, PPSync is one of those tools that enables the unauthorized installation of apps. Once you’ve followed the step-by-step instructions below, any stock app crashing issues you’ve been facing after the jailbreak should disappear.
Remove PPSync After Pangu iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak
Note: This guide applies to those who have jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 with Pangu and facing stock app crashes such as Mail, Safari, etc.
- Open Cydia on your jailbroken device, tap on Sources > Edit button (top-right corner) > Add button (top-left).
- Add the following repo: exactly as you see it.
- Refresh Cydia and search for “Complete PPSync Remover” tweak and install it.
The tweak should remove PPSync from your Pangu jailbroken device and you should now be able to enjoy a normal, free of any crashes, post-jailbreak experience.
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