How to Save Maps Offline in Google Maps 2.0 for iPhone, iPad - iPhoneHeat

How to Save Maps Offline in Google Maps 2.0 for iPhone, iPad

Yesterday, Google released Google Maps 2.0 for iPhone and iPad which includes new features and improvements such as indoor maps, enhanced navigation and iPad support. However, one core feature found in earlier version, i.e. Offline Maps has gone missing in this latest Google Maps update. Reality is that the feature is still there, but there’s is a little trick to save Google Maps for offline use
As discovered in the latest Google Maps app for Android, the “Ok maps” does the trick on iPhone and iPad too. Simply follow the instructions below to save maps offline in Google Maps 2.0:

All you have to do is navigate to, or zoom into, the area that you want to cache for offline use and type ‘ok maps’ into the search box. This will save data at all zoom levels (down to the street) unless you are too far out, which it will warn you of.

  1. Launch the Google Maps 2.0 app on your iPhone or iPad;
  2. Navigate to, or zoom into, the area on Google Maps that you want to cache/save for offline use;
  3. Tap the search box at the top of the screen and type in: “Ok maps” (without quotation marks), and hit the Search button on the keyboard;
  4. Preloading Data splash screen saying preloading data will appear;
  5. Once it has successfully saved the selected map for offline use, a message saying “The on-screen map area has been cached”.


That’s it! Now you should be able to browse the cached area offline. However, searching a location or getting direction still requires an internet connection.

Now if your cached areas on the Google Maps are taking too much space out of your iPhone or iPad memory, or you just want to clear the cached data, simply go to: Settings > About, Terms & Privacy > Terms & Privacy > Clear application data. You’ll have to agree to the prompt to complete the action. This should delete all your offline maps file.


Note: The pre-loading feature seems not to be available in all areas on the Google Maps. Google Maps will return a message “Maps pre-loading is not available in this area” if your desired area cannot be cached for offline browsing.

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