TinyUmbrella Updated with iOS 6.1.3 Support - iPhoneHeat

TinyUmbrella Updated with iOS 6.1.3 Support

Finally, NotCom has updated TinyUmbrella with iOS 6.1.3 support to save SHSH blobs. It’s been more than a month when Apple seeded iOS 6.1.3 with lock screen vulnerability fix and Maps improvements. Unfortunately, this iOS 6.1.3 has also killed evasi0n jailbreak. Hit the jumpt to download TinyUmrella to save SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1.3…
This is what notcom has posted on his TinyUmbrella blog:

TinyUmbrella 6.13.00 supports iOS 6.1.3 and the relevant devices. I’ve also fixed a nagging bug that windows users have reported (ClassNotFoundException on Platform).

Thank you all for your support and feedback!

Despite the fact that iOS 6.1.3 has efectively killed evasi0n jailbreak and we won’t be seeing a jailbreak for these point iOS releases, it’s always recommended to save your SHSH blobs for every firmware for all of your devices. Tinyumbrella can iOS 6.1.3 blobs even if your devcie is runnign an older firmware, there’s no need to upgrade.

You can download TinyUmbrella from our dedicated TinyUmbrella download page. If you don’t know how to use TinyUmbrella, checkout our guide on how to save SHSH blobs.

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