How to Jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS iOS 5.1 with RedSn0w - iPhoneHeat

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS iOS 5.1 with RedSn0w

RedSn0w 0.9.10b6 is available to jailbreak iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.1. In this guide you will learn how to jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS running iOS 5.1 tethered. Hit the jump for step-by-step instructions to jailbreak iOS 5.1 on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4…

Apple pushed iOS 5.1 firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch yesterday. Thanks to the iPhone Dev-Team for RedSn0w 0.9.10b6 which jailbreaks iOS 5.1 on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1 and iPod Touch 4G, 3G.


  • It’s a tethered jailbreak which requires you to connect your device to your computer, every time you reboot your device, and use “Just Boot” feature in RedSn0w to boot in into jailbreak mode. If you turn on the device without using “Just Boot” feature, jailbreak apps won’t work (neither will Safari).
  • Untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS (old Bootrom).
  • UltraSn0w unlockers MUST create a custom firmware with RedSn0w and then jailbreak using this guide.
  • iPod Touch and iPad users follow these guides:

Let’s jailbreak iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS iOS 5.1 with RedSn0w…

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS iOS 5.1 with RedSn0w

Step 1

Download iOS 5.1
Download RedSn0w 0.9.10b6
Download iTunes 10.6

First of all backup your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS personal data via iTunes before restoring to iOS 5.1.

Attention iPhone Unlockers

UltraSn0w or Gevey SIM dependent iPhone users MUST preserve their baseband before restoring iOS 5.0.1. You can do that by creating a custom firmware with RedSn0w. Here’s how to do it: How to: create custom firmware with RedSn0w *** iPhone unlock dependent users MUST always use custom firmware instead of Stock iOS firmware.

Step 2

Connect your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS to your computer, open iTunes, hold down the Shift (Windows) or Alt/Option (Mac) key and hit the Restore button on iTunes and then browse and select the downloaded iOS 5.1 IPSW file (Unlockers MUST use Custom Firmware).

Step 3

After restoring process has completed; Run RedSn0w; Click Jailbreak; Now make sure your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch is turned OFF and Plugged in to your computer. Hit Next.

redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (8)redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (6)

Step 4

Now follow the on-screen instructions to enter your device in DFU mode.

  1. Hold Down The Power (Corner) button for 3 Seconds
  2. Without releasing the Power button, also hold down the Home (Bottom Center) button for 10 seconds
  3. Without releasing the Home button, release the Power button BUT KEEP holding the Home button for 15 seconds

redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (5)redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (4)redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (3)

Step 5

Once your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS is in DFU Mode, check “Install Cydia” and hit the next button. RedSn0w will start jailbreaking it, which should be completed within few minutes. That’s it!

redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (2)redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (7)redsn0w 5.1 jailbreak iphone (1)

Once done, your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS will be tethered jailbroken on iOS 5.1 firmware. Now let’s talk hot to tether boot it, because without tether boot, you won’t be able to use the jailbreak features, even Safari browser.

How to Tether Boot

  1. Run the Redsn0w
  2. Hit Extras, then Just Boot.
  3. Hit next, follow the on-screen instructions to enter into DFU mode.

This should boot your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS into tethered jailbreak mode. Don’t forget to repeat the tether boot process every time you reboot your device.

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