iBlueNova: How to Transfer Files from iPhone over Bluetooth

How to Transfer Files From iPhone via Bluetooth Using iBlueNova

As reported earlier, iBlueNova is available in Cydia now. In this post you are going to learn how to transfer files from iPhone over Bluetooth using iBlueNova.

For those who do not know, iBlueNova is an iPhone app that let you transfer files via Bluetooth on iPhone. iBlueNova supports iPhone OS 3.x. If you’re on iPhone OS 2.x you can use the iBluetooth to transfer file from iPhone via Bluetooth.

iBluenova is the only application in the world that lets you send and receive files, music, videos and pictures to other phones using the Bluetooth natively. The application is available only for Jailbroken devices, absolute and exclusive through the iSpazio repository on Cydia.

Your iPhone must be jailbroken in order to download iBlueNova onto your iPhone. You can find jailbreak guides linked at the bottom.

How to Transfer File via Bluetooth on iPhone

Step 1

Open the Cydia. Go to Search tab and search for iBlueNova. Download and install iBlueNova.


  • If you want to purchase iBlueNova immediately then press the Purchase Package button.
  • If you have already purchased iBluetooth in the past or if you would like iBlueNova 15 days trial, press the Purchase button at the top right of the screen.

ibluenova iphone bluetooth transferibluenova iphone bluetooth transfer

Step 2

Once you’ve successfully install iBlueNova on your iPhone, close the Cydia and launch the iBlueNova from your Springboard.

ibluenova iphone bluetooth transferibluenova iphone bluetooth transfer

Step 3

You will see two switches on iBlueNova home screen. Turning the first Switch to ON will enable iBlueNova and 2nd Switch when turned ON will make your iPhone visible to other Bluetooth devices.

ibluenova iphone bluetooth transferibluenova iphone bluetooth transfer

Step 4 – Sending a File from iPhone/iPod Touch

File Manager let you send Pictures, Music, Videos, and Other Files via Bluetooth to other devices.

Sending a Picture over Bluetooth

> Go to Pictures Menu.
> Select an album.
> Tap to choose a photo you want to send over Bluetooth.
> Tap the send button at the bottom-right of the screen
> Select the destined device. If there’s no device on the list, hit the refresh button at the top-right corner and make sure the other device is set to visible. You can also favorite a device you frequently connect to by tapping on the Star next to it.
> Once the device is selected, accept the file transfer on your other device to initiate transfer from iPhone. A Progress bar will appear until the transfer is complete.

iphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenova

iphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenova

iphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenova


Procedure is the same for transferring Music, video or other types of files via Bluetooth using iBlueNova.

Step 5

The Transfer Menu from the home page of iBlueNova gives you the overall status of all transfers.

iphone bluetooth transfer ibluenovaiphone bluetooth transfer ibluenova

Step 6

The settings Menu provides you with the following options:

  • General section let you change the name of your device, Enabling auto search, Vibrate, Re-enable on close.
  • Security section let you set a pin authentication for the connection.
  • Images section let you decide if you want to send images in JPG format instead of iPhone default PNG file format. There’s also a feature to save incoming images into the Library.
  • Save Paths Section let you set the directory where you want to save incoming files.

ibluenova bluetoothibluenova bluetoothibluenova bluetooth

Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.1.3

Jailbreak iPhone Touch 3.1.3

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