Gull1Hack: Jailbreak iPhone 3GS New BootRom (Untethered)? - iPhoneHeat

Gull1Hack: Jailbreak iPhone 3GS New BootRom (Untethered)?

Gull1Hack team claims that they have found an exploit to jailbreak iPhone 3GS with new BootRom. The hackers team also claims that the exploit not only works to jailbreak iPhone 3GS new BootRom but also has the ability to jailbreak all other iPhones and iPod Touches including iPod Touch 3G.

“We just found an amazing Exploit in the Boot-System of the 3GS with the new Bootrom! This Exploit works on ALL iPhone and iPod Touches!

UPDATE: Gull1Hack is a Fake…

While booting, we overrun the buffer memory, letting the iPhone think there is something wrong; But in the moment it tries to enter safe mode, we send a boot signal like Blackra1n or Redsn0w”

The jailbreak tool is named Gull1Hack. Here’s the video demo that the team has shared on its official blog:

This hackers team has no track record of such tools developer so can’t be considered reliable. The video demo above looks promising but we can NOT confirm or deny it at the moment. There’s no ETA for Gull1hack. DO NOT TRUST GULL1HACK We will update this post as soon as we know more about the Gull1Hack jailbreak tool.

We already have jailbreak tool from trusted sources to jailbreak iPhone 3GS (old Bootrom), 3G, 2G and iPod Touch 2G/1G. In order to jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 firmware you can use custom firmware 3.1.3, PwnageTool 3.1.5, RedSn0w 0.9.3, Sn0wbreeze and to jailbreak iPod Touch 3.1.3 you can use RedSn0w 0.9.4 and Sn0wbreeze.

If you’re on iPhone OS 3.1.2, you can user custom firmware 3.1.2, BlackRa1n, RedSn0w, PwnageTool, sn0wbreeze to jailbreak. For unlocking iPhone 3.1.3 and 3.1.2 you can always use UltraSn0w and BlackSn0w.

Update 1:

Untethered Reboot of Jailbroken iPhone 3GS New BootRom (Demo)

Update 2: iH8Sn0w calls GULL1HACK == FAKE >>

Update 3: Spirit, the iPad 3.2, iPhone 3.1.3 and iPod Touch 3.1.3 jailbreak Coming Soon. Details here.

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