iPhone is really a revolutionary device and new iPhone users are often told that it’s simple enough for a child to use. Apple’s annual supplier report reveals that iPhone/iPod is also easy to build for a child as Apple found about 11 minors working in factories that manufacture their products.
The unfortunate situation was discovered during a comprehensive on-site audit of better than one hundred factories. Apple, during their last audit, found 15 years old workers employed at three different factories manufacturing Apple products overseas where the minimum working age is 16. They also found 24 factories paying under minimum wage, overworked employees were found at more than 50 sites, and 57 who didn’t offer all the required benefits.
Apple didn’t reveal the names or details of manufacturers however the audit took place in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, the Czech Republic, Philippines, and the US. Apple confirmed that the underage laborers are no longer employed.
In the past Apple had stop doing business with a manufacturer found violating either the Apple’s code, facilitating unsafe or inadequate working conditions. In an attempt to rectify such situations, Apple has created extensive training programs to educate workers about their right to a safe and respectful work environment.
Apple disclosing such information to public clearly shows that Apple is on the right path unlike many other big companies who tend to turn a blind eye to such a shameless abuse of human rights.Apple is said to be the only vendor conducting such rigorous compliance checks.
via [BusinessWeek]