In this iPhone step-by-step guide, you will learn how to add source/repo to cydia.
Lets get started.
Step One
Launch Cydia by tapping on Cydia icon from your Springboard.
Here’s Welcome screen of Cydia. Tap the Manage tab available at the bottom of the screen.
On the next screen, Tap on Sources section to get the list of Cydia sources.
Step Three
Here you will see the list of Cydia sources “Entered by User” and “Installed by Packages”.
Tap on Edit button on the top right. After that you will see the Add button appears at the top Left of the screen.
Step Four
By Tapping the Add Button as shown above, “Enter Cydia/APT URL” popup will appear. Here you can add your desired Cydia Source/repo.
After entering the Cydia Source press Add Source button. It will start verifying the Source URL.
Step Five
Wait until Cydia download and update the sources list. When done! Press the big Return to Cydia button.
Now you can see, there’s a new Source/Repo added to Cydia Sources.
By Tapping the newly added Source you will find list of packages available in that source.