How to use iPad Pro as a display for your Mac mini - iPhoneHeat

How to use iPad Pro as a display for your Mac mini

Looking for a display for your new Mac mini? If you have an iPad Pro as well, you can use it as a display for your Mac mini. Yes, you read that right. You can use your iPad Pro as a display for your mac mini.

how to use iPad pro as a display for mac miniThe developers behind the Astropad have come up with a unique idea to use their Luna Display – the company’s hardware module that turns an iPad into a wireless touchscreen display for your Mac.

By connecting Luna Display to your mac mini and launching the Luna Display app on the new iPad Pro, the company successfully managed to not only use iPad Pro as a secondary display but also as a primary display for Mac.

Once you have everything set up, you can use the touch on your iPad Pro or the Apple Pencil to control the macOS, just as you would anything else on your iPad. You can also use a keyboard and a mouse with the Mac.

Here is what the developer has to say:

But still, this setup was mind-blowing in other ways. There’s definitely an element of inception to using your iPad as a display for your Mac. When you launch Luna, you’re running your macOS on your iPad; and when you close out of the Luna app, you have a regular iPad Pro again. It’s strange and exciting all at the same time, but once you settle into your workflow, it makes you wonder why this hasn’t been an obvious product pairing for Apple all along.

This setup truly combines the best of both Mac and iPad, with the processing power of the Mac Mini and the edge-to-edge retina display of the iPad. Using Luna, we’re able to take full advantage of every pixel on the iPad at full retina resolution. It offers more ways to interact with your macOS too, where you can seamlessly flow from mouse to keyboard, to Apple Pencil, to touch interactions. And since Luna runs over WiFi, you have the flexibility of a completely wireless workspace. It all just works.

Your iPad Pro does not need to be from Apple’s latest crop of devices in order to work as a display for your Mac mini, but minimal bezels on the four sides of the latest model certainly make it a cool small display for the Mac.

If you have an older iPad or iPad Pro, that will also work just fine. No matter which iPad model you have, you will now have a Mac mini display that you can carry with you all around your workspace. Once you have turned your iPad Pro into a display for your Mac, you will have something closest to what a macOS tablet may look like.

How to turn iPad Pro into a display for your Mac

All you need is an iPad Pro or a previous iPad model and you can try it yourself. Simply get an Astro’s Luna Display hardware and its companion app for the iPad.

Download Luna Display Companion app

The Luna display hardware comes in two variants: Mini DisplayPort and USB-C. If you have the latest Mac mini or any Mac released after 2016, you will want the USB-C model.

Buy Luna Display Hardware

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