Samsung is all set to make its latest Galaxy S9 smartphones available at the retail stores later this week. Other than being Samsung’s flagship handset, the Galaxy S9 will be the first smartphone in the market to launch with Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 845 chipset. The larger Galaxy S9+ features a 6GB RAM module which should definitely be helpful when it comes down to multitasking.
But the question is, how does all that raw power translate into real life, especially when the device is compared to its arch-rival i.e. iPhone X? Does Apple’s software & hardware optimization still beats Samsung’s galaxy S9+? A YouTube has the answer.
EverythingApplePro has put together a speed test between the latest flagship devices from Apple and Samsung. When it comes to loading certain apps, the Galaxy S9+ is definitely faster than the iPhone X. However, the iPhone X absolutely powers through while loading resource-hungry games and applications where the S9+ take wee bit longer. Even the iPhone X rendered and exported a 4K video faster than the S9+, thanks to the raw horsepower offered by Apple A11 chipset.
The iPhone X completed the first round of apps and games launching in 2 minutes and 55 seconds and took the first spot by beating Galaxy S9+ by 9 seconds. The second round, however, exposed the less RAM amount inside the iPhone X i.e. 3GB. The Galaxy S9+, in comparison, has a 6GB RAM module and helps the handset shine in the second round.
The more RAM capacity helped the Galaxy S9+ to keep all the apps/games launched in the first round in its memory. This resulted in Galaxy S9+ loading all those apps way faster than the iPhone X that had forgotten all the apps launched in the first round due to less memory capacity. In the second round, the Galaxy S9+ took only 44 seconds, to re-launch all the apps/games that the tester launched in the first round while the iPhone X took its sweet time of 1 minute and 10 seconds.
The video also shows some tests where Galaxy S9 outperformed the iPhone X while the latter won in other rounds. Overall, the A11 chipset inside the iPhone X makes it a powerful handset, while the Galaxy S9+ has an edge of additional RAM storage. It is worth mentioning here that the smaller Galaxy S9 will perform slightly worse than the Galaxy S9+ because it only packs a 4GB of RAM.
Share your thought on the speed test between the iPhone X and the Galaxy S9+ in the comments section below.