Apple is all set to hold a media event with an official tagline ‘Let’s take a field trip’ next week. The renowned leaker @evleaks shared a rendering of an alleged 2018 10.5-inch iPad Pro model with minimal bezels and lack Home button. The leaked rendering turned out to be fake as it was created by case maker Speck over six months ago for promotional purposes of its accessories.
Apple is widely expected to unveil its new lineup of iPad Pro devices at its event next week. Rumors claim that the upcoming iPad Pro might feature Face ID and will not include a traditional Home button.
Removal of Home button will definitely give Apple more room for installing a bigger and an edge-to-edge display similar to the one found on the iPhone X. While skipping the Home button may allow Apple to reduce the bezels size on the 2018 iPad Pro lineup, it is unlikely to increase the display size on them further. The company won’t be able to make the bezels on the new iPad too slim as that would create an issue of holding the tablet.
Even if Apple ends up reducing the bezels on its upcoming iPad Pro by removing the Home button, the final design of the tablet is unlikely to be anything that’s shown in the leaked fake render. The upcoming iPad Pro is also rumored to feature Face ID as well. This brings two issues with the thin bezel on the upcoming iPad Pro as is shown in the fake render. First, Face ID requires a thicker bezel and second, the user won’t be able to comfortably hold an iPad Pro with thinner bezels.
With iPhone screen getting bigger with every passing year, are you still looking forward to an iPad?