How to Protect Jailbroken iPhone from Telugu ‘Text Bomb’ Bug - iPhoneHeat

How to Protect Jailbroken iPhone from Telugu ‘Text Bomb’ Bug

Over the last few days, a Telugu character bug caused iOS apps like Messages to crash on iPhone or iPad due to operating system’s inability to render a specific character in Telugu – an Indian language. Apple addressed the issue by releasing iOS 11.2.6 software update. Jailbreakers, however, are stuck with an older version of iOS. Here we are going to show you how to protect a jailbroken iPhone or iPad running an older firmware from Telugu ‘Text Bomb’ Bug.

fix telugu character bug

If you have a jailbroken iPhone/iPad or following coolstar’s advice to avoid upgrading to iOS 11.2.5 or later then you don’t have the liberty to install the latest version of iOS that comes with a fix for the Telugu character bug.

The good thing about jailbreak community is that the developer has already released a jailbreak tweak called NotTodaySatan to add protection to your jailbroken device against the Telugu character bug. Once installed, the tweak will protect your Springboard and apps from crashing.

What this tweak does is that it replaces the Telugu character with a placeholder text. If you have a jailbroken device, we would recommend you to install the tweak to prevent crashes that may lead you to restore your device resulting in losing the jailbreak.

There is also an alternative way provided by a Reddit user to fix the issue if you can tinker a little bit with your jailbroken device:

First, open some file manager with root access (Like Filza or iFile)
Go to /System/Library/Fonts/Core/
Search for KohinoorTelugu.ttc
Rename its suffix (or delete it)
Restart and you are done
Now the character should appear rectangle or question mark. You are done!

Since Apple has already fixed the Telugu bug in iOS 11.2.6, any iPhone or iPad running iOS 11.2.6 is not prone to such ‘text bomb, bugs.

Let us know in the comments section below if you have a jailbroken device and the above-mentioned solutions worked in avoiding the Telugu character bug.

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