Apple has now released iOS 11 beta 3 to the registered iOS developers for testing purposes. Apple had unveiled iOS 11 at WWDC 2017 and released the first beta soon after the conference keynote ended. iOS 11, when released to the masses, is meant to bring a plethora of new features to iOS devices, especially to the iPad.
Update: iOS 11.0.2 download is available now.
Just like most of the beta updates, the iOS 11 beta 3 includes numerous bug fixes and performance improvements. In a previous beta release, Apple has already enabled the Do Not Disturb While Driving in the previous beta seed. Apple has also added the features such as the new sync system for your reading list and Safari Bookmarks to provide better security and syncing. Other bug fixes include the 3D Touch with data detectors and Bluetooth button in the Control Center.
The official release notes also include several issues known to the company such as Tweetbot. These issues include apps like Citi Mobile crashing at launch and Tweetbot unable to post tweets containing images that have been recently taken.
The iOS 11 is more of an evolutionary mobile operating system update that focuses mainly on the iPad productivity. With iSO 11, Apple is going to unify the lock screen and the Notification Center, an all-new Control Center, some stock apps have seen major changes while other includes minor tweaks. With iOS 7, Apple went down the road of thinness and minimalism, while the iOS 11 is all about big and bold. It has reduced the information density.
For a detailed rundown of what’s new, please check out our article on iOS 11 new features. We have also posted the complete list of iOS 11 compatible devices. If you have a developers account, here’s a detailed guide on how to download and install iOS 11 beta and if you’re not a developer, we have also got you covered. Check out our tutorial on how to install iOS 11 beta without a developer account.