A photo allegedly showing the rear panel meant for the upcoming iPhone 8 had been leaked into the wild. A new photo, posted on Weibo – a Chinese social media website, shows the rear glass panel for the 10th-anniversary iPhone edition with a vertical cutout meant for the dual camera setup.
The rear panel shown in the photo does not have any other cutout, such as cutout for the fingerprint sensor. This suggests that Apple will either put the Touch iD beneath the display without any physical presence or ditch it altogether. The alleged rear panel of the iPhone 8 shown in the photo looks very clean because it does not have any FCC marking and even the Apple logo.
Touch ID on iPhone 8 has been the most controversial feature among the analysts and rumors alike. Some suggested that it will be embedded underneath the display, while others expected Apple to move it towards the rear side of the device. A recent note from the trusted Ming-Chi Kuo suggested that Apple is going to completely remove the Touch ID from iPhone 8 in favor of a facial scanning technology.
Replacing the fingerprint scanner with facial recognition system doesn’t seem like a good move because it might not be as accurate, fast, and convenient as the fingerprint scanner is. Another rumor suggested the integration of Touch ID into the power button.
While this leaked photo of alleged iPhone 8 rear panel does match with the previous leaks and reports, it’s still tough to verify the authenticity of this leaks. So, it would be wise to take it with a pinch of salt.
Apple is widely expected to unveil three new iPhone models in September this year. Two of these new iPhone models are said to the ‘s’ iteration of the current iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus. While the third new iPhone model is expected to be the 10th-anniversary edition dubbed as the ‘iPhone 8’ with an OLED display, bezel-free design, 3D facial scanning and wireless charging.
via [SlashLeaks]