A new report from Bloomberg claims that Apple is more focused on bringing video content and a redesign to the Apple lMusic in the upcoming major mobile operating system update. The report says that with iOS 11 the company wants Apple Music to be more than a music streaming service and Iovine is at the helm of things.
Iovine wants Apple Music to “be an overall movement in popular culture, everything from unsigned bands to video.” Apple is currently at a stage where it is testing the potential and integration with the video for Apple Music, and if the experiment turns out to be a success and the company is satisfied with the results, it could heavily invest in this sector.
It is already confirmed that Apple will start live streaming Carpool Karaoke on Apple Music later this year. The launch was supposed to be in April but it didn’t go on air and pushed for a launch later this year. The company is also working on producing will.i.am’s ‘Planet of the Apps’ series. In this series, the developer will pitch their ideas and work with experts on executing them, just like the Shark-Tank series.
For now, nothing has materialized, but Iovine has met some of the major creative heads of Hollywood. Whenever an idea comes to his mind, he has the resources and contacts to get it executed. However, despite having an Apple’s large pool of money at its disposal, Iovine doesn’t want to be aggressive in converting Apple Music a video destination for masses.
We’re gonna grow slowly no matter what. I don’t know how to do it fast.
In an effort to promote video content, Apple will once again be redesigning the overall user interface of the Apple Music app in iOS to highlight video content. It is worthing noting the Apple’s rival Spotify messed up last year when they first introduced video content. Apple is hoping to avoid the same mistakes.
Apple has previously made many attempts at pushing video content by launching many series, but none of them could make an impact because the app does not highlight video content. Apple will be going all out with its video series and market them just like TV series minus the part that these will only be available through Apple Music.
While the company has launched many series, they have all come and gone without making an impact because the app simply does not highlight video content. Apple is also going to go all out with its series and market them like TV shows except the only destination to watch them will be Apple Music.
[via Bloomberg]