According to a report earlier this year, Apple was working on an all new pair of wireless headphones meant to be launched alongside upcoming iPhone 7, which is said to lack the traditional 3.5mm audio jack. In the past, rumors also claimed that Apple has filed to trademark the term “AirPods,” and now more evidence for the same has emerged.
The trademark that Apple filed for the “AirPods” term has now gone through the review process, notes MacRumors. The trademark was reportedly filed by a company called Entertainment Flight LLC. However, Apple is known for using shell companies to file for trademarks as it did with the “iPad,” “CarPlay,” and “iWatch.” While it was believed that the Entertainment in Flight was an Apple shell company, a new document now reveals that it bears the signatures of someone who is currently working with Apple.
Signatures of the Entertainment in Flight’s manager were found in a document filed to clarify some of the broader terms used in original filing. The document reveals the name of the manager as Jonathan Brown, who just happens to be someone working for Apple and handles things like patents and trademarks.
Please note that acquiring a trademark does not mean that the company will be launching a product with the same name. Fo instance, Apple trademarked “iWatch,” but named its watch the Apple Watch. Nevertheless, this sure hints at a pair of wireless headphones are in the making.
A previous report claimed that Apple is developing these wireless AirPods with the help of the talent it acquired from its Beats acquisition. These AirPods are said to be completely wireless without any wire connecting the earpieces together. These AirPods will charge with an included carrying case.
It is highly unlikely that Apple will bundle these wireless AirPods with the iPhone 7, so you’ll likely have to spend more money to get a pair AirPods.