It might be even harder to get the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus from Apple, as the official launch day (Friday) of Apple’s upcoming new iPhone models approaches. Apple has now sold out of all the available units of iPhone 6s and the larger iPhone 6s Plus on its online store at the twelve launch countries around the globe including the US. September 29th is the earliest delivery quote one can get for the new iPhone devices.
iPhone 6s Plus was the first new iPhone model to go out of stock for about a week ago, and now the iPhone 6s units have also been sold out on Apple’s official website four days ahead of the devices hitting the shelves, reports 9to5mac.
While the earliest listed scheduled shipping date for these new iPhone models is September, which is just four days away from the official launch on Friday, September 25. It still is relatively a quick shipping date, but bad for those who wanted their hands onto their shiny new device on the launch day.
Apple has not yet unveiled the official numbers of pre-orders it received for the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus, but the company said that it in on track to beat the 10 million units record set the iPhone 6 and the 6 Plus last year in the opening weekend sales.
In the past, Apple sold out the pre-orders in a much shorter timeframes as compared to this year when pre-orders began on September 12th. However, this year, Apple has had another week between the pre-order and the launch dates of the new devices meaning that the company could likely build more units and accept more pre-orders before the official launch.
While Apple’s own website has gone out of stock in all the launch countries, the carrier partners including AT&T and Verizon Wireless are still showing overnight shipment of the of the new devices on September 25.
Did you pre-order Apple’s shiny new iPhone 6s or the iPhone 6s Plus?