After confirming at Mobile World Congress back February last year, WhatsApp have finally rolled out the voice calling feature to its Android users. But unfortunately, iOS users still have to wait for a few more weeks. The company has promised that WhatsApp iPhone users will be getting voice calling feature in coming weeks.
WhatsApp has already pushed the voice calling feature to its Android counterpart. The feature was pushed through a quiet but major update. The company teased the feature since last few months by pushing the update with calling feature to select users, but now it seems that the voice calling feature has been pushed to all the WhatsApp users. All they have to do is, install the latest update available in the Play Store.
iOS counterpart of WhatsApp is yet to see such update. According to Whatsapp co-founder Brian Acton, voice calling feature will be coming to iPhone users very soon.
Acton said the company spent its last year ensuring that it brings a service that can best serve it’s 700 million active users. With voice calling features, WhatsApp is more than ready to compete with the likes of Skype, Viber, and other popular services, but it has to be solid to compete such competition.
WhatsApp is differentiating its calling service by offering some key advantages: not only the service is expected to be free (after paying $0.99 annual fee), it is also designed to serve emerging markets where only 2G networks are available but those markets have millions of users.
Acton initially had said that voice calling feature to WhatsApp for iOS will be hitting in a “couple weeks”, but later he told VentureBeat, “Well, several weeks.” Either way, it won’t be long until iPhone users will get their hands-on voice calling feature in WhatsApp for iOS.
[via AppAdvice]