Apple is all set to talk in details about it’s very first smartwatch called Apple Watch during a “Spring Forward” media event on March 9. Material related to Apple Watch has already started to leak all over the cloud. According to a new report published by 9to5Mac, the sales pitch that Apple is going to use for its upcoming smartwatch has made its way online.
Ahead of this upcoming Apple Watch event, Apple has already begun training its retail employees on how to position the wearable device to customers. The leaked sales pitch reveals that the areas that Apple will be putting more focus on once the devices lands in retail stores. In the new report, Mark Gurman of 9to5Mac shares three key points from Apple’s retail training including style, key features and iPhone compatibility.
Apple retail employees will be working under an assumption that most of the customers entering the retail stores will already be interested in the Watch, so asking soft questions is the part of Apple’s sales pitch.
One of the more striking elements of Apple’s sales strategy is a stated confidence that “many customers have already decided that they want an Apple Watch.” Operating under this assumption, Apple employees have been told to ask customers a series of soft questions in order to make the sale, rather than making a hard sales pitch.
According to the leaked sales pitch, Apple wants its employees to find out 3 things about their prospects when trying to sell an Apple Watch:
- What do the customers already know about the Apple Watch.
- See if their iPhone is compatible.
- Are they looking for a formal or casual watch.
The first two questions are pretty self-explanatory. In the first question, Apple wants its employees to learn what customer already knows about the device, which one of the features of the Watch interests them. Then employee need to confirm if the customer owns an iPhone and see if it’s compatible with the Apple Watch. An iPhone 5 or later model is required to use an Apple Watch. so, if the customers are interested in the Apple Watch and have an older iPhone model, this should be a pretty painless up-sell.
Third point in this leaked sales pitch is a bit complicated. According to Apple, the Watch is by far the most personal device the company has ever made. So, this is kind of un-chartered territory for retail employees. Apple want its sale reps to find out customer’s need, taste and preferences. Apple is widely expected to talk more about Watch band availability and pricing during the next week’s event.
Apple is all set to reveal more details about its Watch during the upcoming Apple Watch event. The highly anticipated wearable device from Apple is expected to go on sale in April, starting at $349.