Based on the rumors and reports, Apple is set to launch its highly anticipated larger iPhone 6, and iPhone Air on Friday, September 19. Now a new report from GforGames now claims that Apple is all set to unveil its next generation iPhone, dubbed as iPhone 6, on September 15th, followed by a launch on Thursday, 25th September.
GforGames claims that the report comes from their “inside sources”, however, the launch day is what make this report a bit sketchy. Historically, Apple has launched its new iPhone models on Fridays. For instance iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c were launched on Friday, September 20th. iPhone 5 was also launched on Friday, September 21st.
China will be among the first batch of countries receiving the iPhone 5 model, as per the report. This won’t be surprise, as China was also among the first countries to receive iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models. The 32GB model of IPhone 6 is said to cost 5,288 yuan (approx. $850) in China, which is inline with the Apple’s current pricing strategy of iPhone 5s in China. The larger 5.6-inch model, which report calls an IPhone Air, will be up for sale with a price tag of 5,998 yuan (approximately $965).
Macrumors on the other hand reports that, as per their “sources”, Apple is expected to announce next-generation iPhone in early September, with a release to follow later in the month.
Mass shipments of the iPhone 6 from China to the United States are expected to occur during the last two weeks of August and it is likely that Apple will announce the iPhone 6 during the first or second weeks of September. The first deliveries of the device will come later in the month on a corresponding Friday, roughly a week and a half after the event.
The next generation iPhone 6 and iPhone Air are widely expected to feature an A8 processor, Touch ID fingerprint sensor, improved 8MP camera, NFC and of course a larger screen. The next generation iPhone is expected to come in two different screen sizes: a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and a 5.6-inch iPhone Air, as per the rumors. 4.7-inch iPhone 6 is expected to come in 32GB and 64GB storage options, while the 128GB storage option will only be available to 5.5-inch variant.