A few days earlier, BlackBerry announced that BlackBerry Messenger will be coming to iOS this Summer. If you’ve been waiting to enjoy BBM on your iPad, bad news. Now BlackBerry has revealed that their BBM app for iOS will not be available for iPad at launch, reports TrustReviews.
Blackberry’s software portfolio chief Vivek Bhardwaj revealed TrustedReviews that BBM app will only target the iPhone and Android smartphones, at least initially. Although he neither ruled out the possibility of an iPad edition nor he specifically mentioned it.
At this point it is iOS and Android, and that’s iOS phones running iOS 6 and higher.
Smartphone is our real focus and again it comes back to what BBM is. If you look BBM and the engagement and the activity, it’s because it is mobile, because people are on the go.
When you start looking at tablets, computers and other screens, the usage model changes and behavior changes. For us right now the absolute focus is getting BBM onto smartphones.
He makes a good point. For chatting we use a device that we have with us all the time and it’s out smartphone, not the tablet. If we see the competition, Facebook Messenger app is yet to bring iPad builds and Google has just released Hangouts app for iOS without an iPad edition.
BBM app for iOS will only work on iOS 6+ version and it will support the following features at launch, among others:
- The immediacy of BBM chats
- Multi-person chats
- Voice note sharing
- BlackBerry Groups, where BBM users are able to set up groups of up to 30 people and share calendar, photos, files and more
Updates on BBM for iOS
BBM for iPhone Submitted to App Store two weeks ago
BlackBerry Messenger Beta for iOS Invites Rolling Out
BlackBerry Messenger Will Not Support iPad at Launch