Planetbeing, an iOS hacker and member of the iPhone Dev-team, has posted on Reddit about the stutus of iPhone 5 untethered jailbreak on iOS 6/6.0.1/6.0.2. Planetbeing has revealed that he has a working untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.0.2 running on his iPhone 5.
While responding to a discussion thread about pod2g’s return to jailbreak scene, planetbeing had this to say:
Yeah, I’m not really sure what all the doom and gloom is about. The fact is, I have an untethered iOS 6.0.2 JB running on my iPhone 5 right now.
Then why this iPhone 5 untethered jailbreak has not yet been released to gerenal public? The reason is prety much the usual: they are waiting for the right time. Who’d want to burn valuable exploits for point releases (6.0.1/6.0.2) when iOS 6.1 is already hitting Gold Master:
The reasons it’s not released are because 1. releasing it would burn an exploit we want to save for ourselves so we can always get in to look at new firmware and help JB in the future, 2. iOS 6.1 is coming very soon and will likely break a small part of it anyway, there’s no point in sacrificing the many bugs it won’t break.
Anyway, where there are 4+ bugs (that it took to get this to work), there’s gotta be one or two more so while jailbreaking is getting harder, reports of its death are highly exaggerated.
Makes total sense if you ask me. I’d rather wait for a potential iOS 6.1 jailbreak, instead of releasing it now for iOS 6/iOS 6.0.1/6.0.2 and having it potentially fixed in iOS 6.1.
Another good news for Jailbreak community is that Pod2g also seems to have returned to the jailbreak scene after submitting his iOS app to Apple for approval.
He (pod2g) didn’t (say he has returned to jailbreak development), but hey, at least he told me last night he looked into a couple of bugs (without much success) recently, after basically not being around since WWJC, so that’s cool. I doubt he wants to promise he’ll be around working on this full time however. I haven’t worked on any jailbreak stuff for a couple of months as well, not until basically I was flying back from 29C3 in Germany and realized/remembered I actually know about enough bugs to put together an entire untethered jailbreak (still unreleasable due to reasons I stated in my other comment here).
Apple has already released 4 betas for iOS 6.1. The final version of iOS 6.1 is expected to hit masses this month. As usual jailbreakers should avoid updating to stock iOS 6.1.