At an interesting time when iOS 6.0.1/6.1 jailbreak completion news is making rounds, Pod2G has announced a new iOS hackers team dubbed as “evad3rs”. Infact four top guns from iOS hacking scene have teamed to form evad3rs. The names include MuscleNerd, of iPhone Dev-Team, pimskeks of Chronic-Dev Team, planetbeing, who has been working diligently on the latest jailbreak, and pod2g…
This is what Pod2G has tweeted:
We (+ @musclenerd @planetbeing @pimskeks) are the @evad3rs. We don’t take any donations ATM, please don’t be fooled at donating to others.
The objective of this team are still unclear. Since “evad3rs” include all the iOS hackers that are currently working on iPhone 5 and iOS 6.1 jailbreak, it’s safe to assume that evad3rs is a filtered version of the “Dream Team” and will be working on current and future jailbreaks now on.
Jeff Benjamin from iDB has conducted some reach and discovered that a website ‘’ has also been registered the same day. Although the whois data is not available for the said domain, but it most likely belongs to the evad3rs.
For right now, it means nothing. but keep an eye of the domain for a potential jailbreak release in near future. of course, we’ll update you as we learn anything about it. And, importantly, beware of imposters asking for money.