How to Set up Multiple Email Signatures in iOS 6 [iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch]

How to Set up Multiple Email Signatures in iOS 6

iOS 6 brought 200+ new features to iPhone, ipad and iPod Touch. Email specific iOS 6 features include VIPs, attach photos in-line, pull-to-refresh, open password-protected Office docs, flagged mailbox and per account signatures. Yes, you can now set up multiple signatures in iOS 6 Mail app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
different email signatures
Like many people, I have multiple email accounts set up on my iPhone. One is my personal email that doesn’t need any details in signature, and sometimes I even delete the signature when I’m using my personal email. However, for my work email set up on my iPhone, I like to have a professional signature. iOS 6 allows you to have a specific signature for each of your email accounts that you’ve setup in Mail app on iOS 6 or later. For emample you can have “-Sent from my iPhone” signature for your personal email, and professional signatures for your professional email ID.

How to Set up Multiple Email Signatures in iOS 6

Here’s how you can set up different email signatures for different email accounts in Mail app on iOS 6 or later:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch;
  2. Now go to Mail, Contacts and Calendar settings;
  3. Scroll down and tap on Signature option;
  4. Now to set up different signatures for each email adress select Per Account option;
  5. Now simply write down your desired signatures for each account in the text boxes.

That’s it! You’ve successfully set up different signatures for each of your email IDs that you’ve set up on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch runnign iOS 6 or later firmware.

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