After years of speculation, Apple has finally announced iPad mini. iPad mini has 7.9-inch display, and just like iPad 2 it has A5 processor, 1024×768 pixels resolution, 5MP camera with FaceTime HD, and LTE option. Apple has also announced iPad mini price and availability during the event.
Hit the jump to learn about iPad Mini pricing and availability…
Phil Schiller announced that the iPad Mini will be up for pre-orders coming Friday, October 26. Initially it’ll be Wifi only version. Cellular version of iPad mini will be available after 2 weeks.
iPad mini Price
Apple has announced the following prices for iPad mini Wifi-only and iPad mini Wifi + Cellular version:
16GB |
32GB |
64GB |
WiFi |
$329 | $429 | $529 |
WiFi + Cellular |
$459 | $559 | $659 |
iPad mini Availability
iPad mini will be available for pre-order starting Friday, October 26 and it will be delivered on November 2nd. The Cellular version of iPad mini will be available two week later.