Apple has just announced the iPad mini, a 7.9″ iPad during today’s media event. The iPad Mini comes with 7.9″ display and has the same resolution as that of an iPad 2. The back cover is made out of aluminium and front glass with diamond cut edges.
Internal guts include iPad 2‘s A5 dual-core processor, 5 MP iSight camera with 108.p video, front-facing 720p camera. It features LTE, Lightening port, 10 hours of battery life and loaded with iOS 6.
iPad mini has 7.9″ display with 29.6 square inch display area. It has the same 1024×768 pixels resolution display as the iPad 2 which means it can run all the apps available for the iPad 2 i.e: 275,000 apps without any intervention from the developers.
The entry-level model, the iPad Mini Wifi with 16GB capacity starts at $329. Pre-orders begins on Friday, October 26, and will be shipped on November 2. Cellular version will be available in U.S and other regions two week later.