Apple has announced iPhone 5 with 4-inch deisplay, A6 processor, better camera and LTE connectivity. Phil Schiller during the iPhone 5 media event has provided a list of carriers that will support the new LTE capability of the iPhone 5…
Here’s the full list of carriers supporting LTE on iPhone 5:
- USA: Sprint, Verizon, AT&T
- Canada: Bell, Rogers, Telus, Fido Virgin, Koodo
- UK & Germany: Deutsche Telekom, EE
- Asia: SK Telecom, Softbank, KDDI, KT, SmarTone, SingTel,
- Australia: Telstra Optus Virgin Mobile
Here’s a long list of carriers that will also support dual-band HDPA+:
- TellaSonera
- Elisa
- Tele2
- Telenor
- Deutsch
- Telekom
- Sunrise
- Vodafone
- O2
- Swisscom
- tmn
- Bouygues
- Telefonica
IPhone 5 Coverage:
iPhone 5 Price and Release date
iPhone 5 Features LTE and Ultrafast Wireless