Ryan Petrich, a popular jailbreak apps developer has confirmed that he has successfully ported Google Maps, the iOS 5.x version, to iOS 6. He has shared a video demonstrating Google Maps on iOS 6…
Among the 200+ new features in iOS 6, New Apple Maps app was a major one. Apple completely removed Google Maps from iOS 6 and added their own Maps app to the iOS which has caused quite a stir in the iCommunity because Apple has replaced extensive and accurate Google Maps app with an inaccurate and glitchy Apple Maps.
But there may be light at the end of the tunnel, atleast for the jailbreak community anyway. In a tweet, Ryan Petrick says that: “old Google-powered Maps mostly works on iOS 6.0 with a little trickery.” However the solution is still crashy and involves redistribution issue since the trick involves some older iOS binaries that are not redistributable.
The hack depends on the jailbreak. iPhone 5 jailbreak has already been achieved but there is no word yet from chpwn about the jailbreak availability.
Here’s the Google Maps on iOS 6 video:
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