Apple has pushed the latest Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion to the general public. MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev-team has confirmed that their popular iOS jailbreaking tool: RedSn0w is compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Indeed a good news for all our Mac readers.
The only thing you need to do to run RedSn0w in Mountain Lion, as compared to older Mac OS versions, is to use the new Ctrl-Click-Open security bypass due to the implementation of Gatekeeper, a new OS X security feature. You need to do so only the first run of the RedSn0w on Mountain Lion. Dev-Team will hopefully fix this once they get an official developer ID for RedSn0w.
From The Dev Team blog:
Update #1 7/25/12: redsn0w is compatible with today’s retail release of Mountain Lion OS X 10.8. Until we start using an official developer ID for it (!), you’ll need to use the new Ctrl-Click-Open security bypass the first time you run it after downloading.
Other than Ctrl-Click-Open security bypass, you shouldn’t have any other issues with RedSn0w in OS X 10.8.
Don’t forget to checkout our RedSn0w, Jailbreak iPhone and Jailbreak iPad categories.