Download Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 - Tethered Jailbreak iOS 6 Beta 3 - iPhoneHeat

Download Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 – Tethered Jailbreak iOS 6 Beta 3

Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 is now available to jailbreak iOS 6 beta 3 tethered. MuscleNerd of the dev-team has updated their popular jailbreaking tool RedSn0w with added tethered support for beta 3 of the upcoming iOS 6. You can download Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 for Windows ad Mac from the links below…

Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 is intended for jailbreak apps developers only so they may prepare their jailbreak apps and tweaks for iOS 6 release. Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 supports following Limera1n exploited devices:

  • iPod Touch 4G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4 (GSM)
  • iPhone 4 (CDMA)


  • This RedSn0w jailbreak update is not meant for general users. It’s released for jailbreak app developers to prepare their apps for iOS 6. There are just too many things broken in this jailbreak such as Apple’s official apps, 3rd-party App Store apps, Cydia apps, etc. So, this RedSn0w jailbreak is intended for those looking to fix bugs in their iOS 6 jailbreak apps.
  • UltraSn0w or Gevey SIM unlockers MUST stay away from iOS 6.
  • The “dev3” version covers 6.0beta3 release (and also adds explicit support for 6.0beta2).  Please point redsn0w at the 6.0b3 IPSW in order to jailbreak beta3 and boot tethered.  ** You must use “Select IPSW” to point redsn0w at the beta3 IPSW before every tethered “Just boot” **

Download Redsn0w 0.9.13dev3

redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 (OS X)
redsn0w 0.9.13dev3 (Windows — run in Administrator Mode)
iOS 6 beta 3

UNLOCKERS AND THOSE PRESERVING THEIR UNLOCKABLE BASEBANDS SHOULD STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS!  You will very likely lose your unlockable baseband if you try to install iOS 6.

THIS JAILBREAK IS INTENDED ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS OF JAILBROKEN APPS!  There are just too many broken components (Apple’s official apps, 3rd-party App Store apps, Cydia apps, etc) for this to be useful to anyone but those truly looking to fix bugs in their iOS 6 jailbroken apps.

CYDIA WILL NOT BE INSTALLED because it just hasn’t had time to be updated to the new SDK.  The only access you’ll get to the device is through SSH or afc2.  If you don’t know what either of those are, you shouldn’t be using this developer version of redsn0w!

THIS REDSN0W WILL NOT HACTIVATE!  You need to be an iOS developer with a registered UDID to get past the activation screens.  PLEASE DON’T PIRATE APPLE SOFTWARE!  Only registered devs with Macs can develop iOS applications,and only those people will have legitimate access to the beta IPSWs.

THIS IS A TETHERED JAILBREAK ONLY!  No new exploits are being exposed with this jailbreak (it uses geohot’s limera1n bootrom exploit), but that comes at a cost.  You will need to use redsn0w’s “Just boot” button to be able to use many things, including Safari.  If you see Safari or iBooks crash when you open them, it’s because you didn’t boot tethered.

You must point redsn0w at your IPSW the first time you “Jailbreak” and “Just boot” tethered because that IPSW is only available to developers, and redsn0w can’t automatically fetch the pieces it needs from it.  By the time you’ve done a “Just boot” tethered JB though, redsn0w has cached all the files it needs from the IPSW so you won’t need to point redsn0w at it any longer.


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