Download iTunes 10.6.3 - iPhoneHeat

Download iTunes 10.6.3

iTunes 10.6.3 download is now available for both Windows and Mac OS. Apple has released iTunes 10.6.3 which brings the support for the recently released iOS 6 beta. You can download iTunes 106.3 from the link below…

download itunes 10.6.3
it’s a bit surprising of Apple to push iTunes 10.6.3 with iOS 6 support as a public release while iOS 6 is still in beta and available to developers only. The latest iTunes is compatible with the iOS 6 beta, Mountain Lion, and fixes a bunch of bugs and syncing issues.

iTunes 106.3 is required to restore iOS 6 beta. So if you have developers account and want to test iOS 6 beta make sure to have iTunes 10.6.3 installed on your computer. despite the public availability of iTunes 10.6.3, the iOS 6 beta won’t be available to general public until fall.

Download iTunes 10.6.3

170MB package of iTunes 10.6.3 can either be downloaded from software update or from Apple’s iTunes page:

Download iTunes 10.6.3

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